
藍弘仁 合夥律師
Hung-Jeng LAN, Partner

簡 介

學 歷


考 試


經 歷

  1. 工業技術研究院電腦與通訊研究所系統工程師
  2. 台群科技股份有限公司(工研院電通所系統工程部衍生公司)系統工程師
  3. 中華大學資訊工程系「程式語言」課程兼任講師
  4. 李模務實法學基金會法律推廣教育「智慧財產權」、「民法概要」、「債篇總論」、「各種契約(一)」、「各種契約(二)」、「憲法、行政法及稅法」課程講師
  5. 聯勤北部地區營產管理處「民法債篇實務班」課程講師
  6. 世新大學「著作權法及資訊保護法」、「智慧財產權」、「民法概要」課程講師
  7. 銀行商業同業公會全國聯合會「金融憑證政策」法律組委員
  8. 台灣區電機電子工業同業公會「大陸投資風險管理研討會」及「大陸台商智慧產權經驗分享研討會」講師
  9. 經濟部智慧財產局「專利侵害鑑定班」種籽師資
  10. 雲林科技大學科技法律研究所智慧財產專業人員培訓計畫「專利侵害處理策略-贏的策略與實務」課程講師
  11. 智慧財產局「智慧財產權服務團」講座
  12. 中華民國仲裁協會仲裁人
  13. 高雄市土木技師公會「工程契約衍生履約糾紛案例研討- 1.工程契約相關法律關係及爭議處理程序、2.工程契約計價爭議及索賠實務、3. 廠商違約責任、業主協力義務及責任、4.工程變更以及契約變更、終止及解除、5.工程契約之驗收、保固及瑕疵擔保責任、6.情事變更原則在工程契約之實踐。」課程講師
  14. 台北律師公會網域名稱爭議處理委員會委員及專家小組成員
  15. 財政人員訓練所「租稅教育有關個人資料蒐集、處理及利用、著作權及智慧財產權之介紹」及「經營網站或社群網站有關個人資料保護法之介紹」課程講師

專 長


著 作

  1. 專利權權利用盡原則的研究-以中美比較為核心(博士論文)
  2. 電腦軟體相關發明是否屬「法定可予專利事項」問題之研究----中美專利審查基準之比較(碩士論文)
  3. 我國著作權法關於「暫時性重製」修正對於電腦程式著作影響之評析
  4. 大陸商業秘密之法律保護及簽訂競業限制條款的風險
  5. 專利戰利器-定暫時狀態處分(原題:論定暫時狀態處分在專利戰爭中的應用與問題)
  6. 公司法有關公司治理之最新修正-股東提案權簡介
  7. 證券交易法獨立董事相關修正評析
  8. 大陸商業秘密法律保護的問題及因應策略
  9. 論新修正公司法第203條之1台紙條款(工商時報2018/10/18)

Brief Introduction


LL.L.D. , Law school, Renmin University, Beijing, China;
L.L.M., School of Law, Soochow University, Taipei, Taiwan;
M.S., Computer & Information Science, Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York, U.S.A.;
B.B., Business Mathematics, Soochow University, Taipei, Taiwan.


Partner, Li Mo & Associates, Attorneys-at-Law, Taipei, Taiwan;
Lecturer, Introduction of “Copyright Law”, “Intellectual Property Rights” and “Personal Data Protection Act” Courses, Training Institute, Ministry of Finance, Taipei, Taiwan;
Lecturer, Case Study of Construction Contract Disputes Courses, Kaohsiung Professional Civil Engineers Association, Kaohsiung, Taiwan;
Member of the Panel composed of Panelists to handle Domain Name disputes of Taipei Bar Association;
Arbitrator, Chinesee Arbitration Association, Taipei;
Lecturer, Lecture of Intellectual Property Rights, Intellectual Property Office, Ministry of Economic Affairs, R.O.C. Lecturer, Winning Strategies and Practices of Patent Infringement Disputes Courses, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Yunlin, Taiwan;
Lecturer, Practice of Part II Obligations of Civil Code Courses, Combined Service Force, Taipei, Taiwan;
Lecturer, “Copyright Law”, and “Intellectual Property Rights” Courses ,Law School, Shih Hsin University, Taipei, Taiwan;
Lecturer, “The Protection of Law of Trade Secret in Mainland China” Courses, Taiwan Electrical And Electronic Manufacturers’ Association (TEEMA);
Lecturer, “Programming Language” Courses, Information Engineering Department, Chuhwa University, Hsinchu, Taiwan;
System Engineer, Telesys System Co. Ltd. (span off from CCL) CCL, Industry Technology Research Institute, System Engineering Department.


  • General consultation and handling of Civil Law, Criminal Law, Administrative Law and related subjects.
  • Government Procurement Act
  • Labor Standards Act
  • Company Act
  • Securities and Exchange Act
  • Commercial Arbitration


  1. The Research of the exhaustion doctrine of Patent Act -
  2. The Research of Patentability of Computer-Related Inventions
  3. The Influence of Copyright Law’s Modification about “Temporary Reproduction” to Computer Program Works
  4. The Protection of Law about Trade Secret in Mainland China
  5. Preliminary Injunction in Patent Infringement Lawsuits
  6. Introduction of Company Law’s Modification about “Shareholder’s Rights to Propose Motions”
  7. Analysis on Securities Exchange Law’s Modification about “Independent Directors”
  8. The Problem of Protection of Law about Trade Secret in Mainland China and It’s Coping Strategy
  9. Analysis on Modification of Article 203-1 of Company Law

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